Our Dependable Service Dept.

Employing a staff of factory trained, long tenured technicians and stocking an extensive parts inventory has earned the H.L. Dempsey Co. a reputation for high quality, responsive service. We bring a lot of experience to the table, resulting in less down time and better service to our customers.

Technology moves at an ever faster pace, to insure that we remain proficient at repairing and diagnosing various devices, we must keep up with the latest techniques. This is provided through our ongoing Canon Technical Training, both on site and at Canon's main training center in Jamesburg, NJ.

service call button

In matters of service contracts we offer full coverage with nothing left to interpretation. When a service contract says all parts and labor it means all parts and labor, with no hidden costs or exclusions. Please call us at 413-736-8742 or 800-637-3757 if you have questions or concerns.

Got a question about operating your copier?


(Canon Copier Halved)

Our Service Techs Can Do Online Repair From Their Phones